6 Nourishing Ways to De-Stress

... and regulate your nervous system for real. This free download will help you chill the fuck out without numbing out.

Drink Less. Live More. 

Never worry about drinking again.

Book your heart-to-heart call

"First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you."

F Scott Fitzgerald

You're stuck in survival mode.


Look at you. Holding things together for everyone you love while you quietly lose yourself.

You’re exhausted and stressed... every fucking day. 

When evening comes, all you want to do is pour a drink so you can numb out and relax. 

You want to take a break from booze, but you can't imagine giving it up. It feels like that glass of wine is your only comfort.

It's as if you've lost your heart, and alcohol has taken its place. 

I want more than that for you. 

And I think you do, too.

Book your heart-to-heart call
Hello, my love!

My name is Ellie.

I'm a Certified This Naked Mind Senior Coach—trained by Annie Grace, author of This Naked Mind—a Certified Gray Area Drinking Coach—and a Certified Heart Coach. 

Read My Story

I know you because I was you.

As a mum of three who relied on wine for love and self-care, I'm passionate about helping other women reconnect with their hearts. I want you to stop wasting time so you can live joyfully and wholeheartedly in the present.

What you want is to be present in your relationships. Time with your loved ones is so important to you. But in order for you to be present, you have to make alcohol smaller in your life than it currently is.

You feel embarrassed that you're starting to depend on "wine time." You keep choosing that drink over things you want to do, like reading an extra bedtime story with the kiddos or going to an evening exercise class. I hated choosing wine over my kids, but I couldn't imagine another way. I fucking needed it.

It wasn't until I took a break from booze and learned what it was truly doing to me that things began to shift. I'm now present for my life and the people I love.

The reality is that life will never be free of stress, but I can manage the tough spots much better now that I'm not off my tits half the time.

I wish every woman could experience how it feels to be able to take or leave alcohol. And that's exactly why I'm here. 

Make alcohol irrelevant.

You are stronger than your drink.


Tune into Present & Sober, hosted by two birds of a feather—Ellie Crowe and Sam Goldfinch.

Explore episodes


Get the upper hand over alcohol through Ellie's 1:1 or group coaching programs.

Learn more


Embrace freedom and connect with your heart in a dreamy location.

Start swooning
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 No Hangovers

Mornings are quite beautiful when you aren’t in physical pain from what you did to your body the night before. Get your weekends back!

 No Blackouts

I no longer miss having to “cash cheques” sober that I’d written whilst intoxicated. Prepare to make “hanxiety” a thing of the past.

No Less Guilt

I won’t lie and say that you’ll never experience guilt again. But you never have to experience guilt related to alcohol again.

Here's how the process works...

Discover what's possible.

Through our work together, you'll change your perspective. I'll help you gain a deeper understanding of the parts of yourself that currently believe a drink at the end of the day is the only enjoyment you have in life. 

Book your heart-to-heart call


From incredibly brave souls like yourself.

"I've been fortunate to be on the receiving end of Ellie's coaching and have been witness to others receiving her coaching as well, and it can be quite miraculous. Her kind, thoughtful approach, coupled with her wisdom and insightful offerings, provide you with the gentle guidance needed as you navigate your way to recovering your truest self, free from alcohol or whatever is holding you back."

Megan F

"This program was very valuable. I believe small group coaching can be the most effective option, especially when you find a coach like Ellie who truly cares so much about her program and the participants. The group size was ideal, and the calls were life-changing. I've had many coaches along the way, but not many that I respect as much as Ellie."

Travis H

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I don't promise to be consistent with the timing of my emails, but I do solemnly swear that they will come from my heart ❤️